We are a
People Company,
First and Foremost
Behind every single touchpoint of our business, there’s a person. A person with skills and ambitions. A person with friends and family. A person who matters and who has strong values of their own.
Our job is to align the values of our company with the values of the people who matter to us most: our employees, our clients, our partners, and our clients’ customers. We want to ensure that no matter what we’re doing, or where in the world we’re doing it, we are always tuned into the best interests of the people who rely on our business.
We are
When opportunities were identified, a decision, a choice, that involved doing something innovative (something not accustomed to doing) has to be made so that you could move on and adapt to a challenging situation. That was exactly what happened in 1991 when our founding chairman left his regional position at the then Citibank/CitiCorp and founded Global CyberWorks WorldConnect, and a few other companies. That same entrepreneurial spirit of agility and simplicity continues to drive the way we support our customers, suppliers, industry and communities.
We are
Fair and Humble
Global CyberWorks WorldConnect works with an extensive network of partners, suppliers, and experts, in time zones that span the entire globe. We want to provide them with as much value as they provide to us. That’s why our core operating principles and values form the foundation for everything we do.